دواعي تفسير القرآن الكريم ومبررات تجديده بين الانضباط والانفراط


  • ملال يونس



Mots-clés :

التفسير, التجديد


Summary: The Noble Quran is a clear Arabic book, so do people after that need interpretation and interpreters? What are the reasons for the existence of the interpretation and justifications for the existence of the interpreters? And are they scholars who help to understand the Book of God influencing by the prophet, his companions, and their followers, and the best of this nation ? Or are they ; as some modernists claim, a people who monopolized understanding and religion and restricted people to understanding a clear and eloquent book that does not need interpretation at all, isn’t such a claim pure ignorance whose owner does not know anything about the science of interpretation, its origins and the methods of the interpreters?And it is an allegation that opens the door to anyone to attack the Book of God without knowledge, and the whole religion will be lost ? Is interpretation a solid science? Or is it a science that accepts consideration, diligence and renewal in its origins and branches? Therefore, there is no isolating of people’s understanding, rather it is a discipline in understanding that is subject to the rules of science, and we assume that interpretation is a science like other Islamic sciences that went through stages of prosperity and expansion, then stagnation, then rebirth and renewal, and we believe that renewal is possible, real and legitimate in the branches of this science and in its origins and sciences that He draws from it and feeds on it, but not an unrulier renewal that can destroy the religion from the basic. This is what the research will address by clarifying the meaning of the interpretation and the need for it, and the curve of its development from prosperity to stagnation, then its rebirth and the legitimacy of its renewal. Keywords: interpretation; renewal




Comment citer

يونس م. (2023). دواعي تفسير القرآن الكريم ومبررات تجديده بين الانضباط والانفراط . El Ihyaa, 23(1), 29–46. https://doi.org/10.59791/ihy.v23i1.4


