تعارض الجرح والتعديل-دراسة تطبيقية على ما قيل في ابن المنذر-


  • محسن أعراب




نقد الرواة, ضوابط الجرح والتعديل, القبول والرد, ابن المنذر, مسلمة بن القاسم, العقيلي, تعارض الجرح والتعديل, الأوسط في السنن والإجماع والاختلاف


The science of criticism and praise (al-jarh wa al-ta’dil) is a field of science of Hadith, that was established to determine authenticity and preserve the prophet heritage from alteration or fabrication; where Hadith scholars formulated numerous methods of evaluation by which narrators could be classified and ranked based on certain criteria like: the truthfulness and correctness. Despite its usefulness, the methodologies of Hadith scholars differed from one another in matter of acceptance and rejection of narrators, to a degree they needed to re-establish rules and conditions aiming the standardization of this pivotal field of Hadith science, in a way objectivity and uniformity are laid down, otherwise all the narrators would have been theoretically rejected. Abu Bakr Muhammed ibn Ibrahim al-Mundhir al-Naysaburi (d.318 A.H) resider of Makkah, was a prominent and well-renowned Hadith and Fiqh scholar, who reached the degree of independent mujtahid, a very high and notable rank reflecting his complete mastery of Islamic sciences. Authored many books in Tafsir, Fiqh and Hadith and many other Islamic arts, unfortunately, only a few of which have been found and printed. Criticized by other scholars like Meslama ibn al-Kassim and Abu ja’far al-Ukayli al-Makki. This article is written with the intention to cite some of the criteria used to generate judgments in the science of criticism and praise (al-jarh wa al-ta’dil), and what might prevent the latter from being accepted or applied; furthermore, I have done a practical study in the disagreement on ibn al-Mundhir, doing my best to seek out objectivity in the course of my research. key words: Narrators criticism, criteria of criticism and praise, acceptance and rejection, ibn al-Mundhir, Meslama ibn al-Kassim, al-Ukayli, Disagreement between criticism and praise, al-Awsat fi al-Sunan wa-l-Ijma’ wa-l-Ikhtilaf.



How to Cite

أعراب م. (2024). تعارض الجرح والتعديل-دراسة تطبيقية على ما قيل في ابن المنذر-. El Ihyaa, 18(1), 89–112. https://doi.org/10.59791/ihy.v18i1.4237


