اللغة الصامتة في العملية الاتصالية في سورة مريم


  • سعيدة درويش




اللغة, الصامتة, العملية الاتصالية, سورة مريم


The article titled “Silent language in the communicative process In Surat of Mariam”, aims to reveal the importance of silent language, sign language, or body language, in the Holy Quran, through two verses in Surat Mariam, in which God ordered Mary to fast on speaking, in a dangerous and delicate situation; as it relates to the honour. Then to refer to Jesus (the peace of Allah be up on him), as a baby in the cradle, To talk to people. It has been proven in this research that the language of silence has exceeded and surpassed the language of sound, in terms of: - It communicates and clarifies the message, or contradicts it, and refutes it. Or asserts and deny it. - Silence is a kind of departure from the logic of reason, to the logic of the soul. -The Raised place of who use silence, and the sign language, achieved for Mariam with her people, which made them feel humiliated. - The language of silence, is the language of the female with distinction. Keywords: The language, the sign, the silence, the body, the surah of Mary..



How to Cite

درويش س. (2023). اللغة الصامتة في العملية الاتصالية في سورة مريم. El Ihyaa, 21(1), 107–120. https://doi.org/10.59791/ihy.v21i1.308


