The Role of Employment Support Organizations in Algeria
Unemployment, Employment, Employment Support Organizations in AlgeriaAbstract
The question of employment in Algeria has been and continues to be central to all development strategies and to all successive government programs.
At the beginning of its economic and social development, Algeria has adopted a development strategy based on planning as a method, the public sector as a leader and heavy industry (industrialized industry) as a basis. This strategy included addressing the most important social problem after independence, namely unemployment, where industry is defined as the most used labor force.
The leadership of the public sector for economic and social development has led to achieving this goal by employing the largest number of job seekers in various factories, even though the number exceeds the theoretical absorption capacity of these factories, because the goal was primarily social welfare through employment and distribution of wages.
Self-reforms at the beginning of the 1980s did not neglect this issue, giving priority to workers to buy their privatized institutions to maintain jobs.
The structural adjustment program (SAP) imposed on Algeria by international Organizations (FMI -BIRD) in the mid-1990s, as a result of the external debt crisis, was very severe in its social aspects, especially with regard to privatization and the resulting layoffs for workers and imposing strict restrictions on employment in government departments and institutions.
This situation has forced the political authorities to reduce the restrictions imposed by the creation of several support organizations that have contributed and are contributing till today to job creation and thus reduce unemployment, especially in:
This paper examines these organizations and their main achievements in the field of employment since their inception, as well as existing gaps, giving some suggestions in order that these organizations can contribute more effectively in the field of employment.