The "Journals" platform is an essential tool used at the University of Batna 1 for managing scientific journals. It provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for online publication and research article management. Researchers at the university can easily submit their work through this platform, streamlining the publication process. Editors can efficiently handle the workflow, while reviewers can provide feedback and recommendations. This platform promotes the dissemination of high-quality scientific knowledge and facilitates global access to research findings. By utilizing the "Journals" platform, the University of Batna 1 reinforces its commitment to academic excellence and research promotion. It offers researchers an effective means to share their discoveries and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields. This platform plays a crucial role in enhancing the visibility and impact of scientific journals at the University of Batna 1.


  • Journal of Architecture and environment of child

    The Journal "Architecture and environment of child" is an international journal, biannual, scientific refereed, open source, and nonprofit, issued by the laboratory "The Child, the City and the Environment", University, Batna 1, Algeria.

    It publishes studies and scientific papers that research architecture and the environment and focuses on the environment in which the child grows up inside the city with its three sectors in which multiple disciplines (human, social and technical): The school environment, the family environment, and the urban environment that represents the environment of the city where the human being (of various age groups) and what is going on in its field of the implications of the environmental situation in general in the city.

    Its vision is presented in these issues within the framework of sustainable development and the related issues affecting the development of urban society.

    The journal seeks to publish original scientific research by researchers, with the aim of popularizing knowledge dissemination, access to new and serious research, linking communication between researchers, and enabling the largest possible number of researchers to access research and studies.

    Academic works in Arabic, English and French that have not been previously published are accepted, and which are characterized by quality, originality and commitment to scientific honesty in transmitting information, quoting ideas and attributing them to their owners, and documenting them using recognized scientific methods.

  • مجلة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية

    The Review of Letters and Human Sciences(RLHS) is a semestrial scientific referred journal. It is Free of charge in all stages, open access. Issued by the Faculty of Language, Arabic litterature and Arts University of Batna1 (Algeria) since 2008. It publishes original research in three languages Arabic, French and English. Its main field of interest is research about Language, literature, human Sciences, and Arts, from the perspectives of cross and critical reading. It aims is to be a junction link between researchers from different countries of the world to encourage studies in Literature and Human Sciences. It targets a various audience from Human Sciences researchers, students, language sciences and Arts students. The journal favors the interdisciplinary reflections, which approach the Arts phenomenon from its various aspects. This dynamic characteristic of cross and interdisciplinary research will undoubtedly allow answering both the requirements of Artistic phenomena, as well as taking advantage of Human studies’ evolution in the rest of the world.

  • ELBAHITH For Academic Studies

    The Journal of "EL BAHITH for Academic Studies" is an international scientific journal peer reviewed and Open Access, published semi-annually by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Batna1- Haj Lakhdar - Algeria. The journal aims to publish original and outstanding scientific contributions in all disciplines related to law and political sciences. Comparative studies are published too in a comprehensive sense in order to expand the circle of benefits for researchers. Publishing with "EL BAHITH for Academic Studies" means adhering to the principles of publishing ethics, preventing malpractice, and fulfill the responsibilities assigned to each party. All submitted articles are subject to double-blind reviewing. The process of evaluation is confidential and performed by expert reviewers in the field of law and political sciences from various universities and research centers. They contribute with their expertise and academic knowledge with a commitment to neutrality and objectivity, and provide advice to the authors. The editorial board includes a scientific advisory committee of the most prominent thinkers in the world. They supervise all the steps of articles evaluation and publishing. The journal team aspires to achieve high levels of quality in the academic publishing through reaching the scope and the requirements of producing scientific knowledge according to the international standards. The journal is published in both electronic and printed versions, in the three languages; Arabic, English and French. There are no Article Processing Charges (APCs), and no fees for publication.

  • El ihyaa

    International academic scientific journal, open access non-profit, issued by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Batna 1 Haj Lakhdar. Was founded in 1998. Its purpose is to disseminate scientific research in Islamic disciplines: Jurisprudence and Jurisprudence, Sharia and Law, Islamic Economics, Quran and Sunnah, Quranic Language and Studies, Islamic History and Civilization, Islamic Call, As well as some nearby disciplines, such as philosophy, history, religious studies. The journal publishes researches prepared by researchers and doctoral students aimed at promoting academic studies and promoting scientific research in the field of Islamic sciences and related fields. In Arabic, French and English. The journal is committed to publishing scientific research that meets the required academic conditions, and rejects the publication of all that would violate the ethics of scientific research, and disavow any breach of the Scientific honesty.

  • Tajseer For Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

    The Tajseer Journal for Multidisciplinary Research and Studies is an international, semi-annual, open-access, non-profit scientific journal published by the Laboratory for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies in Law, Heritage and History, Faculty of Law and political science, University of Batna 1, since 2021. It is a three-dimensional peer-reviewed journal that aims to build scientific bridges between the different branches of law and the humanities in order to achieve arbitrary and original scientific production, according to a charter of ethics based on the rules of publishing and scientific honesty. The journal has a pragmatic and scientific editorial committee whose missions are to support research in the various stages until its publication, and this to lead to a journal devoted to serious and sober scientific production. The journal publishes articles in three languages: Arabic, English and French.

  • مجلة قضايا فقهية واقتصادية معاصرة

    مجلة أكاديمية محكّمة دولية سداسية، مجانية ومفتوحة الوصول للقراءة والتحميل، تصدر شهري أفريل وأكتوبر عن مخبر "الفقه الإسلامي ومستجدات العصر" بكليّة العلوم الإسلامية عن جامعة باتنة 1 بالجزائر، 

    Contemporary fiqh and economic issues (COFEI) Journal, Biannual international refereed academic journal, free of charge and open-access, issued in April and October by the laboratory of "Islamic jurisprudence and era updates" at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Batna 1, Algeria.

  • Elmuntaqa for Research and Studies

    The Journal Elmuntaqa for Research and Studies is an international scientific journal, open-access journal that is issued every six months Published by L.C.C.U.I.P.S (Laboratory of Civilizational comprehensive understanding of Islam and purposes of Sharia) UNIVERSITY OF BATNA1 - ALGERIA The journal provides a platform for scientific research and academic discourse in the field of islamic and human and social sciences; The Journal Elmuntaqa for Research and Studies publishes studies that focus on issues which are written in Arabic, French or English. The journal is concerned with the following disciplines: The purposes of Sharia - jurisprudence and its foundations - Sharia and law - Islamic economics - Sharia politics - Quran and hadith sciences - advocacy and media - Islamic faith and comparative religion - Arabic language and Quranic studies - Islamic history and civilization - social sciences - history - philosophy - cultural studies - intellectual studies.

  • مجلة الحوكمة والقانون الاقتصادي

    مجلة الحوكمة والقانون الاقتصادي ، مجلة علمية محكمة نصف سنوية ، غير مصنفة تصدر عن مخبر الحوكمة والقانون الاقتصادي، كلية الحقوق والعلوم السايسية جامعة باتنة 1.

    تختص المجلة بنشر مقالات في مجال القانون ، العلوم السياسية والاقتصاد

    The Journal of Governance and Economic Law is a semiannual international scientific journal published by the Laboratory of Governance and Economic Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Batna1. Studies in different legal fields for researchers of different categories, The magazine is published in both electronic and print versions in Arabic and English, and is free of charge for non-profit. Taking into account all standards of grandeur, quality and authenticity in scientific research, the journal includes a qualified working group of professors and experts from different international universities

  • AWRAQ the nternational Journal of Literary and Human Studies

    AWRAQ, an International and Multidisciplinary bi-annual Journal of Literary and Human Sciences is to disseminate scientific knowledge and generate debate in an interdisciplinary context, covering assorted topics of human and literary sciences such as Language, Literature, History, Anthropology, Media, Communication, Librarianship, Thought, Culture and Philosophy, in professional and academic language from around the world. It is contributing to publish articles in Arabic and English in order to be addressed to a national and international audience, Literary and Human Sciences field researchers, and professionals, who want to base their scientific work on scientific evidence. The journal is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by The Research Laboratory of the Algerian Simplified Encyclopedia. It promotes research publication to research scholars, academicians, professionals, and students engaged in their respective fields. It publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews The main objective of Awraq is to provide an intellectual platform for international scholars. The journal is published in both print and online versions

  • مجلة دراسات في سيكولوجية الانحراف

    The " Journal of Studies in Deviance Psychology" is an international scientific journal, refereed, peer-reviewed, bi-annual, non-profit and open access,downloadable and readable. Issued by the Laboratory of Psychological Applications in the Prision Setting at Batna University (1) El Hadj Lkhedar, Algeria, it's an academic, multi-dimensional, and vision space to study and understand the mechanism of the deviant phenomenon and to find ways to ensure it on the one hand; On the other hand, they value the efforts of researchers and academic professors in the field of delinquency and crime, litigation, punishment, reeducation and rehabilitation, reintegration and in-depth study of prison regulations; In different ways: Psychological, social, legal, security, educational, health, and other neighboring sciences, all of which require us as researchers to know the consequences of the phenomenon and its vexity, to find academic solutions to its enigma and to reduce its presence in the social arena The journal also seeks to allocate a special file for each number that presents research horizons related to the scientific development that takes place in all the above-mentioned fields. The Journal of Studies in Deviation Psychology, publishes original and innovative research and works that have not been published in the three languages: Arabic, English and French. Intellectual property rights and the ethics of scientific research must be respected. The journal is framed by an editorial board and a scientific body comprising a constellation of distinguished professors and researchers from various national and international universities

  • rawaiz

    AL-Rwaiz is an international scientific journal, refereed, peer-reviewed, bi-annual, non-profit and open access,downloadable and readable. Issued by the Laboratory bank of Psychological, School and Professional Tests - University of Batna 1-Algeria. It’s committed to publish quality original works in two languages; Arabic and English, and which are subject to double-blind reviewing. It is attended by a group of researchers with proven scientific competence from various international universities Specialized in psychology, education and Orthophony, interested first on subjects of psychological and educational assessment and evaluation, construction and codifying tests in various branches of psychology, vocational guidance and Orthophony, and it’s open to all researchers interested in the topics of measurement and evaluation, Where the journal team aspires to achieve high levels of quality in academic publishing that respects the scientific and publishing ethics, in order to reach the scope and requirements of producing scientific knowledge in accordance with international standards.

  • مجلة المقدمة للدراسات الانسانية و الاجتماعية

    مجلة المقدمة للدراسات الإنسانية والاجتماعية (AHSSJ) هي مجلة علمية دولية نصف سنوية محكمة  ومصنفة في قواعد البيانات غير  ربحية، تصدرها كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية - جامعة باتنة 1. تهدف المجلة إلى نشر الأبحاث المتعلقة بمجال العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية والمتخصصة بما في ذلك الأبحاث النظرية والتجريبية الأصلية والتي لم يتم نشرها أو تناولها من قبل في الأوراق العلمية، وهي مجلة متاحة تهتم بالقضايا النظرية والتجريبية بما في ذلك الجوانب الاجتماعية والنفسية والفلسفية والتاريخية والأثرية والمعلوماتية.  تنشر المقالات باللغات العربية والإنجليزية والفرنسية وفق معايير أكاديمية وعلمية.

    Almuqadimah of Human and Social Studies Journal (AHSSJ) is a bi-annual peer-reviewed non-profit scientific journal published and edited by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - University of Batna1. The journal aims to spread science within the scope of its specialization. AHSSJ is an open access, specialized journal that publishes original theoretical and empirical research, which has not been previously published or addressed in documented scientific papers. It is open to a wide range of theoretical and empirical issues including social, psychological, philosophical, historical, archaeological and information-communication aspects. The articles, published in the journal, are selected according to rigorous blind peer-reviews to guarantee their originality, timeliness and relevance. The staff of reviewers and peer-reviewers is made up of highly qualified experts from different academic backgrounds and international institutions. The AHSSJ publishes articles written in Arabic, English and French which are characterized by their absolute academic and scientific standards.


  • journal of economics studies reseaches and renewables energies

    مجلة دراسات وأبحاث اقتصادية في الطاقات المتجددة

  • khazzartech الاقتصاد الصناعي

    “Industrial Economics Journal –Khezzartech” is a Specialized International double-blind peer-reviewed, an open-access journal, free of charges and biannual. The journal is issued and edited by the Faculty of Economics, Commercial Studies and Management Sciences- University of Batna 1 Hadj Lakhdar Algeria. “Industrial Economics Journal –Khezzartech” focuses on various topics such as: Economics, Industrial Economics, Management, Finance, Marketing and Accounting. The journal also aimed to attract researchers around the world to exchange experiences and results, to ensure a useful exchange of knowledge and researches. The journal receives and publishes original researches and it is characterized by quality and originality, whether the theoretical or applied researches are written in three different languages: Arabic, English and French.

  • Algerien

    The Algerian Review of Human Security is an international non-profit, open access peer-reviewed journal which publishes research articles in the fields of Humanities and social sciences. It is open to a wide range of issues, theoretical and empirical, related to (human) security and its social, political, economic and legal aspects. The review provides a forum where scholars can contribute to the accumulation and progress of scientific research and higher education in the field of (human) security studies. The articles, published in the review, are selected through rigorous blind peer-reviews in order to ensure originality, timeliness, and relevance. The review’s peer-reviewers are highly qualified from various academic backgrounds and institution, both domestically and internationally. The review accepts, for submission, articles written in Arabic, English and French. It is published, in printed as well as electronic forms, twice a year, on January and July.

  • social and human sciences review

    Social and Human Sciences Review (SHSR) is a scientific bi-annual non-profit (NPJ) international open access journal; first published in 1994. It aims at: promoting research in the scientific fields related to sociology and humanities, providing the opportunity for thinking creativity and knowledge production, contributing to the promotion of scientific research by enabling researchers to publish their works, stimulating and strengthening research in social and human sciences, encouraging the use of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods in the fields of social and human sciences and enriching the library with various topics of scientific research and therefore providing valuable references. As for the scope of the review, it is a multidisciplinary journal specialized in all human and social fields of study such as ; social sciences, sociology, political sciences, economics, psychology, arts and literature, history, philosophy, information and communication sciences, Islamic sciences, physical education and other subfields of these domains. Social and Human Sciences review publishes articles in Arabic, French, and English. The published articles by SHSR are characterized by their absolute academic and scientific standards. Moreover, the review requires originality of the submitted articles in order to be published after being reviewed by editors and experts specialized in their fields.