العنصرية الرّوافد المُغذّيّة والحُلول المُنجيّة – قراءة في كليات رسائل النور لبديع الزمان النورسي-


  • معمر قول




nurssi, racism, common human, color, strength, benefit


The one contemplating the religious, ethnic, and linguistic map of the world finds many variations and differences required by the wisdom of God Almighty. Divinely to participate and cooperate in order to achieve human integration in the crucible of one human uterus, and as a reminder of one god from him who was the beginning and to the end, but the one who contemplates the cosmic map today finds conflicts, wars, measures, and differences that are fueled by these characteristics, features, and ethnic, ethnic and linguistic tongues, and has become a paper that was used by The Wii is hostile today, whereby the land of Islam has been transformed - in particular - into a scene of various events.

The results of which were civil wars everywhere. This struggle, which is dominated by the dominant powers, is not for the sake of realizing the truth and establishing the truth as nurssi sees it, but rather is documented by these conflicting forces stubbornness, nervousness, nationalism, interest, saturation of selfishness, annihilation of children, the sick, and old people with destructive bombs. Avent and annihilate the remaining features of humanity, which makes us in front of a problem that leads us to search deeply in the roots and tributaries of this destructive tendency and to find for them the radical solutions to address them in order to preserve human dignity and realize the meanings of acquaintance called for in the Qur’an. Karim leading to respect for human idiosyncrasies (ethnic, linguistic and denominational) and do not exceed, Transgression leads to lack of respect and is conducive to the use of force for the sake of benefit and benefit, and this is all conducive to igniting the fire of war and destruction, so the pursuit of deliverance was a human purpose and demand, which requires us to know the springs of the idea of racism and provide solutions that are conducive to it in the opinion of Badi Al-Zaman said Al-nurssi



How to Cite

قول م. (2021). العنصرية الرّوافد المُغذّيّة والحُلول المُنجيّة – قراءة في كليات رسائل النور لبديع الزمان النورسي-. El Ihyaa, 21(2), 385–400. https://doi.org/10.59791/ihy.v21i2.564


