استدراكات الإمام الموزعي على من سبقه من أئمّة المذاهب الأربعة في كتابه " تيسير البيان "


  • فتحي بوعافيه
  • عيسى بوعكاز




استدراكات, الموزعيّ, الأئمّة الأربعة, تيسير البيان


 The rectifications tracking of interpreters imams on who previous ones by scholars and jurists (Ulema), it is worthy of research care, and from here came this research in which I tried to treat a part of the Imam's rectifications "Ibn Nur Al-din Al-Mowzaie (?: 825 AH)" the fundamentalist linguist and interpreter author of the book "Facilitating the statement to the provisions of the Quran" on the predecessor of the imams of the four religious schools, answering the question: What is the scientific value to these rectifications in his book mentioned above? And was Al-Mowzaie agreed to others in what he rectifies on them? And then was he successful in what he did? For this purpose, I set a two-theme plan, In the first I defined the Imam and his book "Facilitating the statement" (Tayseer al-Bayan) and in the second I dealt with examples of his rectifications on Imams (Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'i and Ahmed) discussing and commenting on them, As I referred to other positions it can be referred, to conclude, at last, with a series of conclusions and recommendations, as I referred to other places can be refer to, to conclude at last with a series of conclusions and recommendations, In its entirety, indicates that Al-Mowzaie in his rectifications is having a foresight and the power of argument and evidence, it is worthy we, as researchers, have to put what is written place of research and study.



How to Cite

بوعافيه ف., & بوعكاز ع. (2024). استدراكات الإمام الموزعي على من سبقه من أئمّة المذاهب الأربعة في كتابه " تيسير البيان ". El Ihyaa, 20(1), 293–318. https://doi.org/10.59791/ihy.v20i1.4369


