غَريب الحَديث عنْد الشَّيخ بايْ بن عمر الكُنْتِي من خلال كتَابِه السَّنَنُ المُبين في شرْح أحاديث أصُول الدّين


  • سميرة بن حمودة




Odd Prophetic Tradition, Cheikh Kenty, Sanan Mubyn Manuscript


The present study is essentially axed around: Highlighting the particular interest of one the key manuscripts of contemporary Malikite School of thought scholars in defining precisely some of the odd terms in the Prophet’s (PBUH) Tradition. From this perspective, this manuscript is another form of the Tradition’s interpretation as it outlines how these terms are to be dealt with. Being a science that attempts to explain the Prophet’s Tradition, it needs to properly address oddity by setting the right criteria to deal with it. Hence, the importance of fully grasping the denotations of oddity which will allow scholars to properly evaluate the text and thereby set the appropriate provisions in this regard. In our study, we will be focusing on the manuscript entitled “Assananu l’Mubeen fi Sharhi Ussul Eddeen”(The Clear Path to the Fundamentals of the Religion) (by Sheikh Bay Ibn Omar Al-Kenty Al-Wafi (1348AH-1927). This manuscript is an attempt to provide an explanation and interpretation of Imam Abu Abdallah Muhamad Al-Makri Al-Tilimsani’s (759 Hidjri) “Amalu Man Tabba li Man Habb”( The Work of the Wise to those he Cherishes). The dissertation includes: a short biography of the author, an introduction of his manuscript and an analysis of the methodology he adopted in deverbalizing , explaining and outlining the main aspects that drew his attention while interpreting oddity in the Prophetic Tradition. 




How to Cite

بن حمودة س. (2024). غَريب الحَديث عنْد الشَّيخ بايْ بن عمر الكُنْتِي من خلال كتَابِه السَّنَنُ المُبين في شرْح أحاديث أصُول الدّين. El Ihyaa, 19(2), 251–282. https://doi.org/10.59791/ihy.v19i2.4331


