The victim's pardon for theft and his effect A comparative study of Islamic criminal legislation and Algerian penal legislation


  • عبدالكريم جعدان
  • عكاشة راجع



Amnesty, theft, victim, private right, public right


The victim's pardon in the punishment for theft has a significant effect; In Islamic jurisprudence,
it sometimes prevents the case of theft from reaching the judiciary. At other times it prevents the
application of the punishment, and the laws differ in this capacity
Islamic criminal legislation considered the victim to be the one who was stolen from him, and
thus theft is an assault on a private right before the case reaches the judiciary, and after its arrival
turns into an assault on a public right in which the public right prevails over the private right
And the Algerian Penal Code considered the state as the representative of the group as the victim,
and this difference yielded different results

1 – المرسل المؤلف.
عبدالكریم جعدان – د/ عكاشة راجع

2021 أكتوبر- 29 :العدد 142
Islamic jurisprudence with its realism is an example of legislation that is in fact a haven for the
people of justice
He did not abrogate the right of the stolen person - the victim directly - to pardon, but rather
granted him the right to pardon the thief, but at a time that does not exceed him.
If the theft victim does not pardon the thief, then the punishment becomes a right for the state, and
it is inevitable that it will carry out its conditions.
Algerian penal legislation is too idealistic, to abrogate the right stolen from him to pardon the
thief. And considering that the crime of theft fall on the whole society



How to Cite

جعدان ع., & راجع ع. (2021). The victim’s pardon for theft and his effect A comparative study of Islamic criminal legislation and Algerian penal legislation. El Ihyaa, 21(2), 141–156.


