The purposeful Vision To The Righteousness Of The Mind In The Prophetic Sunnah Concept And Evidence


  • سلاف لقيقط



purpose, righteousness, mind, the Prophetic Sunnah


The prime purpose of the Islamic creed, famously known as Islamic Sharia, is to set the mind on the path of righteousness, so much so it is aptly qualified to perform its function. The reform of the mind constitutes one of the cornerstones upon which individual and societal reformation is underpinned– or perhaps it is the most prominent one, one daresay. Hence, this paper entitled "The purposeful vision to the righteousness of the mind in the prophetic Sunnah – concept and evidence-"

solicits to demonstrate the momentum the Sunnah has accorded to the mind reformation endeavor, en Explaining the concept of righteousness, highlighting its signs through the Prophet's guidance, providing evidence that confirms the Prophet's intentional vision of righteousness and integrity of minds, starting from two main points; As for the first; The stations of the intellect and the lofty position that the Sunnah of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - bestowed upon him, and as for the second; Its applications, and consideration in various fields; As a requirement to accept the news, and to address the issues of the message.



How to Cite

لقيقط س. (2023). The purposeful Vision To The Righteousness Of The Mind In The Prophetic Sunnah Concept And Evidence. El Ihyaa, 23(1), 95–114.


