Franchise, a technique for the development of small and medium enterprises in Algeria


  • عبد الحميد لمين جامعة امحمد بوقرة- بومرداس
  • نورة جبارة جامعة امحمد بوقرة- بومرداس



Small and medium-sized enterprises, Franchising, Development


The content of this document aims to investigate the way in which the Franchise contributes to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Algeria, in view of the difficulties they suffer, which limit their growth and development.

We will then look for the roles that the Franchise plays in this domain, and what it brings to the economy and to these companies which are established as competitive institutions, compared to their foreign counterparts, with the opening of the economies of countries and trade in goods, especially since any institution can manage this technology in its relations with institutions that have known brands and products (donor institutions), to allow the products of the beneficiary institutions to comfortably penetrate the market, and enable them to stay in business and avoid points of failure.

This is what allows these companies in Algeria to have this technology as a winning card in order to achieve growth and sustainability, through basic principles that gives them competitiveness on the market, in view of the boom in this sector technology in the world, and to the efforts of public authorities, which seek mechanisms to support these companies for their presence in the economic fabric.



How to Cite

لمين ع. ا., & جبارة ن. (2023). Franchise, a technique for the development of small and medium enterprises in Algeria. ELBAHITH For Academic Studies, 8(1), 358–377.


