Environmental issues in Algerian media: Between legal and media treatment


  • Faiza Sebti University of Setif2




Environmental issues, environmental media, media handling, Algerian media, sustainable development


The environment and its problems have become at the present time one of the most important sensitive issues for different countries and this is due to the aggravation of the environmental situation and its imbalance as a result of various human activities in order to achieve economic growth, which led to the growing role of environmental organizations and the rising interest of the media in the environmental field on the one hand, and the efforts of international initiatives to protect Environment via a set of laws on the other hand.

This study seeks to monitor the media’s treatment of environmental problems and issues and how they deal with the environmental information presented in this regard according to a specialized media associated with environmental media in Algeria, in order to develop attitudes and build behavior related to the environment, on the basis that all information related to the environment is obtained by the public from the media, and since The study is qualitative, as the researcher relied on the survey method and scientific observation as a tool for following up and diagnosing environmental media content, as the study concluded that solving environmental problems is not related to legal obligation only, but rather includes the extent of the individual’s awareness and how to deal with the environment, by enhancing his awareness through What is broadcast by the media, the study also found the emergence of environmental programs on the Algerian channels.



How to Cite

Sebti, F. (2022). Environmental issues in Algerian media: Between legal and media treatment. ELBAHITH For Academic Studies, 9(1), 628–651. https://doi.org/10.59791/efas.v9i1.1538


