The evolution of oil Contracts In Algeria and the emergence of cotrol authority in he hidrocarbon sector


  • محمد الأمين بن عزة جامعة باتنة1



oil contract, international albitration, concesion contract, prodection sharing contract


The subject of oil has gained great importance for its distinctive features, which have made it the main source of energy in the world and the economic lifeline, which has made the producing countries, including Algeria, always strive to preserve it and protect its exploitation, and as oil contracts are the legal means to exploit this oil wealths, these countries have developed their oil contracts and legislation and put it in line with the development of oil activity in the world.

And the beginning was in thecolonialperiod when algeria wasusingthe coccesion formulas wich were unfairtowards the country for using its petroleum wealth to adjust contracts formulas after the idependence into new ones in partnersship production sharing and service contracts and throgh hidrocarbon lawe 05-07 a control authority has been created in the hydrocarbon sector.

On this basis, this study showed the evolution that has affected oil contracts in Algeria, from the discovery of oil in Algeria to the first and second stage of reforms, which have affected all economic areas, including the hydrocarbons sector.



How to Cite

بن عزة م. ا. (2021). The evolution of oil Contracts In Algeria and the emergence of cotrol authority in he hidrocarbon sector. ELBAHITH For Academic Studies, 8(3), 727–746.


