Central Office for the Suppression of Corruption


  • عبد الله لعويجي جامعة باتنة 1 الحاج لخضر-الجزائر
  • نصيرة بن عيسى جامعة باتنة 1 الحاج لخضر-الجزائر




Central Office for the Suppression of Corruption, Judicial Police officers, corruption


Corruption is a phenomenon that has been known since ancient times, but it has recently witnessed a wide spread in various fields and has taken forms that cannot be imagined, as it is a set of suspicious political, economic and administrative practices, and all countries have tried to combat financial and administrative corruption and follow its citizens in the various state institutions.

Corruption is one of the most dangerous and negative aspects that affect the development of countries, as it affects the performance of economic sectors, leading to weakening economic growth and limits the ability of the state to increase its revenues, as it increases the cost of projects and weakens the quality of goods and services, not to mention its elimination of moral values ​​and principles in society.

Algeria is among the countries that suffered a lot from corruption crimes, and was the first to ratify the United Nations Convention against Corruption, and sought to materialize it in its internal legislation and take all possible measures and mechanisms to address it, whether in the public sector or the private sector.



How to Cite

لعويجي ع. ا., & بن عيسى ن. (2021). Central Office for the Suppression of Corruption. ELBAHITH For Academic Studies, 8(2), 591–606. https://doi.org/10.59791/efas.v8i2.1204


