دور البرنامج الحواري التلفزيوني في تشكيل الوعي الاجتماعي للجمهور-دراسة ميدانية-


  • نورة نايلي جامعة باتنة 1
  • علي قسايسية جامعة الجزائر3



Mots-clés :

الدور, برنامج تلفزيوني, برامج حوارية, وعي اجتماعي, جمهور


The function of television talk shows is to uncover facts and provide viewers with information on different topics. They also contribute to raising awareness of the different personalities who have a bearing on politics, religion, the economy and society, and to learning their opinions, trends, points of agreement and differences. By keeping track of these content in talk shows - in addition to other factors - the recipient may be affected at the cognitive and emotional level and may extend to the behavioral effect, mainly of a specific reaction. The broad understanding and beliefs of the recipient and the potential cognitive, emotional and behavioural influences that may occur to the recipient fall within the framework of the so-called formation of social awareness or public awareness associated with knowledge and relative knowledge of issues and topics relating to different areas of life. In connection with this scientific study, the role played by talk shows on certain Algerian public and private satellite channels in shaping the social awareness of the Algerian public will be explored through a small sample of the research community representing the audience who continue to follow the talk shows of these channels in Batna.





Comment citer

نايلي ن., & قسايسية ع. (2022). دور البرنامج الحواري التلفزيوني في تشكيل الوعي الاجتماعي للجمهور-دراسة ميدانية-. المجلة الجزائرية للأمن الإنساني, 7(1), 589–609. https://doi.org/10.59791/arhs.v7i1.1568


