Coordination of civil-military efforts in Humanitarian action :Domains and Challenges


  • رياض بوزرب جامعة محمد الصديق بن يحي جيجل
  • جمال منصر جامعة 8 ماي 1945 قالمة



Humanitarian, Civil, Military, Protection, Disasters


in recent years, complex humanitarian relief, peacebuilding and reconstruction operations have increased. In spite of organizational, operational, and normative differences between the military and civilian bodies involved in those operations, they still need to coordinate their efforts at the strategic level to work together effectively, whether in providing humanitarian assistance or in implementing related support activities. Military participation in relief efforts is not a new development but what is interesting is the increased deployment of military assets and capabilities in response to disasters and humanitarian situations that require the protection and assistance of civilians. Civil actors have expressed concern about the impact of civilian-military coordination on the maintenance of their actions as independent, neutral and impartial. This paper examines the attitudes of civilian and military actors toward civilian military coordination. It also discusses the obstacles that faces this coordination and, in this context, outlines what must be done to enhance it



How to Cite

بوزرب ر., & منصر ج. (2021). Coordination of civil-military efforts in Humanitarian action :Domains and Challenges. Algerien, 6(1), 1306–1325.


