Feminist epistemology Afro – American


  • كمال بوناب جامعة عنابة




Feminism, Black feminism, Intersection, Positionality, Racism


Feminists researchers have succeeded at drawing attention to the obscuring and miserpresentation of women in academic research. The focus of this researchers has been on uncovering and correcting the aforementioned bias toward masculinity. They started their compaign by opposing to the ongoing double standard situation, that features prevailing stereotypes, before suggesting alternative ways of considering social life along with the process of research. They also criticized the fake separation between the subject and the self (i. e, between the researcher and what is being researched) claiming that it is a kind of artificial and undesirable transcenendentalism ; and without denying the value and importance of these early feminist contributions, it was worth – indicating that a broad group of pioneering feminists have put emphasis on women as « general category » and overlooked the diversity and pluralism existing between the lives and experiences of women. The majority of women researchers have focused on issues of concern to white women, while ignoring the concerns and difficulties of « colored » women, especially those belonging to the working class



How to Cite

بوناب ك. (2023). Feminist epistemology Afro – American. Algerien, 4(1), 12–29. https://doi.org/10.59791/arhs.v4i1.2367


