Position of Edward Said in post-colonial studies and his role in activating cultural security


  • إخلاف بن ايديري جامعة بجاية




Post-colonial studies, Orientalism, Edward Said, Cultural Studies, Cultural security


The Palestinian thinker Edward Wadiaa Said is considered as one of the main pillars of post-colonial studies, especially after the publication of his most important book entitled: "Orientalism", in 1978. This accurate book set the foundations for these studies, and gave them a starting point. Several thinkers have contributed to the enrichment of these studies, creating a panorama of views depending on each one of them background. These studies are focused in general on the colonial heritage within the colonized countries, and this legacy is either cultural / linguistic / ideological / economic / political / or religious ..., We will try, in our research, to deal with the nature of post-colonial studies, and we will try to figure out the importance of Edward Said, and his main role in establishing this domain of studies, explaining how he was able to defend the cultural security of the eastern personality who has been subjected to a systematic smear campaign by the western orientalist foundation, that made him inferior and unthinkable? through his books, hi has worked to reveal the orientalist vision that seeks to obliterate the Arab Islamic cultural identity.



How to Cite

بن ايديري إ. (2023). Position of Edward Said in post-colonial studies and his role in activating cultural security . Algerien, 7(1), 42–59. https://doi.org/10.59791/arhs.v7i1.1035


