The impact of material-technical and human requirements of emanagement of end-of-study projects on organizational effectiveness in the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer and Material Sciences and the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, at the University of
E-management, Materialtechnical and human requirements, Organizational effectiveness, End-ofstudy projects, University of GuelmaAbstract
This study aimed to measure the impact
of e-management, with its materialtechnical and human dimensions, of
end-of-study projects on organizational
effectiveness in the Faculty of
Mathematics, Computer, and Material
Sciences and the Faculty of Science and
Technology at Guelma University.
The study concluded that there is a
statistically significant effect of
material-technical and human
requirements of e-management of endof-study projects on organizational
effectiveness in the two faculties, which
will increase by 0.409 and by 0.646
compared to an increase of one degree in
material-technical and human
requirements, respectively.
How to Cite
زراولة ر. (2023). The impact of material-technical and human requirements of emanagement of end-of-study projects on organizational effectiveness in the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer and Material Sciences and the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, at the University of . Khazzartech الاقتصاد الصناعي, 13(1), 459–432.