About the Journal

The Journal Elmuntaqa for Research and Studies is an international scientific journal, open-access journal that is issued every six months Published by L.C.C.U.I.P.S (Laboratory of Civilizational comprehensive understanding of Islam and purposes of Sharia) UNIVERSITY OF BATNA1 - ALGERIA The journal provides a platform for scientific research and academic discourse in the field of islamic and human and social sciences; The Journal Elmuntaqa for Research and Studies publishes studies that focus on issues which are written in Arabic, French or English. The journal is concerned with the following disciplines: The purposes of Sharia - jurisprudence and its foundations - Sharia and law - Islamic economics - Sharia politics - Quran and hadith sciences - advocacy and media - Islamic faith and comparative religion - Arabic language and Quranic studies - Islamic history and civilization - social sciences - history - philosophy - cultural studies - intellectual studies.