Volunteering among young people through social networks. Facebook page "naselkhire" as a model.


  • حبيب الود جامعة التكوين المتواصل




The young people, social networks, Facebook, Internet, volunteering


The article presents the results of a field study on the volunteer work of the Facebook page group "People of Goodness Algeria", We preferred to focus here on the phenomenon of social networks and volunteering through these networks, especially among the youth category, which is the most used category for this technology in Algeria, and The way volunteerism moves from the virtual world to reality, and how the supervisors on this page were able to develop a method of social activation and running youth groups and encouraging them to volunteer work; we adopted the descriptive approach through the use of the interview tool, the interviews included a group of organized youth This page is for those who are actually active through volunteer work, then we analyzed it, and we have come to remarkable results, Informal and frameless volunteering in formal institutions is preferred by young people because of the lack of trust in formal organizations and their bureaucratic nature, and this study could help researchers conduct further studies and research on virtual volunteer work in Algerian society in particular and among Arab societies more generally.



How to Cite

الود ح. (2021). Volunteering among young people through social networks. Facebook page "naselkhire" as a model. Algerien, 6(1), 504–524. https://doi.org/10.59791/arhs.v6i1.826


