media treating to the rejecting protestations for the fifth presidential term an analytical study of AL-Shaab and AL-Shorouk newspaper


  • رجم جنات جامعة سطيف 2



Media Treating, Printed Media, Protestations, Content Category, Form category


 This study aims to know media treating to the rejecting protestations for the fifth presidential term that was started on February ,22nd 2019, content analysis is uses as a main tool for collecting data , where the analyses of the obtained numbers on the first week after protestations in two newspapers one is publicEchaab and the other is private Echourouk , therefore it is found that 65 topics for Echourouk with an area of 8.77 and 26 topics in Echaab newspaper with an area of 4.43 in through the use of the report and the new as a journalistic kind in most topics which dealt with different issues the main important one is; continuation’s requirement and peaceful protestations in a neutral side all most with a difference in some points between both newspapers that is related to the area , topics , activists



How to Cite

جنات ر. (2021). media treating to the rejecting protestations for the fifth presidential term an analytical study of AL-Shaab and AL-Shorouk newspaper. Algerien, 6(1), 373–394.


