تداعيات النزاع الإثني على الدولة الفدرالية في إفريقيا – نيجيريا نموذجا-


  • فضيلة خلفون جامعة قسنطينة 3
  • فيصل خميلة جامعة باتنة 1




الصراع الإثني, الجماعة الإثنية, الدولة, الفدرالية, التنمية, نيجيريا


The continent of Africa is a continent of variety and diversity in the world of things, ideas and beliefs. This is a common trait between the countries of the continent Africa, African societies are characterized by ethnic, religious and racial diversity. If societies in developed countries succeeded in manage diversity, Most African countries suffer from ethnic conflicts which influenced the development track. This paper examines to study the impact of ethnic conflict on the federal state the impact of ethnic conflict on the federal state - Nigeria as a model- it includes a large number of ethnicities which strained their relationship till it reached to the armed conflict and fighting, also we focused on the causes of ethnic conflict on the federal state, then we try to know Nigeria's strategy in managing this conflict



How to Cite

خلفون ف., & خميلة ف. (2017). تداعيات النزاع الإثني على الدولة الفدرالية في إفريقيا – نيجيريا نموذجا-. Algerien, 2(2), 171–190. https://doi.org/10.59791/arhs.v2i2.2532


