The challenges of state rebuilding in the Sahel: from a Bad neighbouring perspective the case of lybia


  • ميادة بن بريهوم جامعة قسنطينة 3



rebuilding the state, bad borders, sahel, regional security complex, the failed state


 Security as a requisite and democracy as an effort and development as a goal an equation that continued during the post-cold war period that produced a double change Calls for the need to rephrase a new reality in which the causes, the structures and the values prevailing in the international community have ceased to exist. relatively analytical and explanatory power based on the logic of the physical survival of the State has been reduced where the knowledge and operational content of security has been rebuilt from the logic of each one to himself to the logic of one for all and all for one In light of the emergence of new security threats asymmetric with the state in the form of terrorist organizations, organized crime and ethnic conflicts, etc,and with it emerged modern approaches to interpretation of security, such as structural approach and community security and security policy approaches to the failed state approach and security development approaches such as scarcity of poor needs and bad borders. The Sahel countries have experienced a crisis at the level of enabling capacity and the rebuilding of the state through the course of the three generations: Post-colonialism, construction phase, and governance phase, which resulted in state failure in construction and institutional activism and push towards democratization, as a result of ignoring local privacy and mimicking the Western model in its adoption of the modern state model as they occurred in military coups (Mauritania, Mali, etc.) which were fueled by crises of dominant political systems from a crisis of legitimacy, distribution and penetration with fragility in the regional system the situation of the neighboring countries made the project of rebuilding the state in the region postponed.and the bad borders.has been put into practice in the introduction of its impact on the reconstruction of the national state. In the world after the eighteenth century and with it the construction of new defense policies, especially under the axis - Libya Niger Mali -Which has been characterized by multi-faceted institutional crises, legitimacy, military coups, revolutions and the growing likelihood of international failure under fragile security systems and traditional politics with merit based on considerations Sub-states, terrorist threats - al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, drug and arms trade, etc. The study aims to highlight the actual role of border geography in the presence of security threats in the export of the crisis of international failure in reconstruction is based on analytical descriptive method and case study. Keywords: rebuilding the state, bad borders, sahel , regional security complex, the failed state. .




How to Cite

بن بريهوم م. (2019). The challenges of state rebuilding in the Sahel: from a Bad neighbouring perspective the case of lybia. Algerien, 4(1), 183–201.


