The implications of post-2011 geopolitical shifts on regional security for the Western Mediterranean region


  • مهدي بوكعومة جامعة الجزائر 3



Regional security, Western Mediterranean region, geopolitical shifts, Sahel Africa, security threats


The western Mediterranean is considered as one of the most important strategic world regions, its countries represent the gateway to the Mediterranean Sea from the western side. Since the beginning of 2011, the region has witnessed geopolitical transformations that have exacerbated security threats to reach the both countries of the West Bank. The Maghreb countries have been experiencing complex security threats related to illegal immigration, terrorism, and organized crime. As a result of the security interdependence between the two banks, the asymmetric threats became open boarder less and limitless, turning it difficult for countries to unilaterally confrontation. The Maghreb region has also turned from a transit-export region to threats to a region suffering from the same threats, originated from the African Sahel that has since 2012 been shifted into one of the most tense and exporting regions of all kinds, both traditional and new ones. This unstable situation has resulted in a security threat to the entire Western Mediterranean region and even to international security.



How to Cite

بوكعومة م. (2020). The implications of post-2011 geopolitical shifts on regional security for the Western Mediterranean region. Algerien, 5(2), 669–691.


