The challenge of State-Building in Post-Qadhafi Libya Between the internal contradictions and the impact of external interventions.


  • أسماء رسولي كلية قسنطينة 3



State-building, Libyan Uprising, Libyan crisis, internal contradictions, external interventions


This paper has for aim to study the problem of state-building in Libya after the fall of Muammar Al-Qadhafi's regime of February 17, 2011. After following the democratic transition in various Arab Spring countries, It is clear that Libya is one of the most prominent cases that can be studied in order to understand the reasons of the stumbling of institutional building efforts in the spring countries. The Libyan political arena still going through different stages of the political transition with its different security and economic consequences. Those consequences have reached the level of civil war between two disputing parties, one in the east and the other in the west, including the southern factions that are linked to this or that alliance. We have tried to analyze the reasons for the stumbling state building in Libya by focusing in the historical context of the development of the Libyan crisis since the Gaddafi regime’s fall until the Berlin conference of 19 January 2020. In order to reveal the internal contradictions of Libyan society and institutions, especially the tribal one, and how it affects the operation of building the Libyan state, in addition to revealing the consequences of foreign interventions.



How to Cite

رسولي أ. (2021). The challenge of State-Building in Post-Qadhafi Libya Between the internal contradictions and the impact of external interventions. Algerien, 6(1), 274–292.


