Covid19 and its positive implications on the world


  • أم السعد رواغ جامعة باتنة 1
  • باية بن عاشور جامعة باتنة 1



The Corona virus, COVID19, the environment -, the digital community


Covid 19 was a critical milestone in making the world live in a state of isolation and instability, after living through a period of openness, speed and stability, which paved the way for the emergence of many crises, resulting in significant problems and losses in exchange for creating slim opportunities that must be valued and supported. In this study, despite the negative effects of this virus and its human and material losses, we are focusing on the positive aspects of it, and on this basis we will follow the descriptive analytical approach to considering the positive impact of covid19 on the social, economic and technical life of the
Coruna-era community This study concluded that everything in this life has negative and positive aspects, and this applies to the corona crisis, so that we find that this virus showed what was hidden or rather what should have been the actions of people, so it emerged in the time of Covid19 behaviors that should have manifested in the normal state of it such as solidarity and cohesion among members of the one community and even among states, in addition to protecting the environment and such use of digital technology to the benefit of Whether a student of science or an employee in a local or international department or institutions



How to Cite

رواغ أ. ا., & بن عاشور ب. (2023). Covid19 and its positive implications on the world. Algerien, 7(2), 18–32.


