American cultural diplomacy as a soft power and ideological mechanism for cultural hegemony in the Arab world.


  • منيرة بودردابن صالح بوبندير قسنطينة 3



Cultural diplomacy, American cultural diplomacy, Soft Power, Cultural Hegemony, the Arab World


  Countries practice soft power policies as an integral component with all the other activities. that concern various programs realized outside the borders, in a direct contact with foreign elites and audiences or their target groups. This includes managing media, communication and cultural flows aimed to bring about certain changes or build specific ideas and convictions, in order to facilitate policies, of this mean state. This present study focus on the American cultural diplomacy towards the Arab world, which represents the most prominent aspect of soft power policies seeking to understanding of American culture It includes all efforts aimed at connecting people across the state for a greater representation of American core values through a cultural attractiveness and lines of a common global –English- language. Understand the life and culture of the American people and in which America found the necessity of employing the cultural element to achieve most of American foreign policy goals in the Arab world, either by conquering minds, or controlling and taking them as a starting point for exercising influence in the region in favor of the American strategy



How to Cite

بودردابن م. (2023). American cultural diplomacy as a soft power and ideological mechanism for cultural hegemony in the Arab world. Algerien, 6(2), 647–664.


