The Satirical Use of Intertextuality in The Literature of As Sadeq An Naihoum


  • عيسى بن سعيد الحوقاني جامعة نزوى
  • خالد علي إبراهيم جامعة نزوى



intertextuality, , satirical literature, As Sadeq An Naihoum


This study is concerned particularly with the satirical use of intertextuality in the literature of the Libyan writer, As Sadeq An Naihoum. Through this study, we strived to introduce a brief overview of the writer as a Libyan satirical writer, to identify the
intertextuality term, and to address the motives that made An Naihoum apply the previous texts in his satirical literature.
Moreover, the study investigates the sources from which the writer drew his religious and literary intertextual materials. The satirical An Naihoum's literature has been studied in-depth and detailed the forms of intertextuality that appeared in his satirical texts, and the mechanisms of using the texts he recalled from religious sources (the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s hadith, and other divine books ), and literary sources (poetry, proverbs). Also, the study addresses the corresponding and opposite intertextuality, the mechanisms of inlay, amputation, brevity, confusion, and reverse. Additionally, the satirical function played by intertextuality is highlighted in An
Naihoum's literature



How to Cite

بن سعيد الحوقاني ع., & علي إبراهيم خ. (2022). The Satirical Use of Intertextuality in The Literature of As Sadeq An Naihoum. مجلة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية, 15(1), 345–382.


